Dover’s Most Experienced And Trusted Personal Trainers
Strength Train, Build Muscle, Live Longer!
Do you struggle with
Weight Control
Have you lost and gained the same 20 plus, more times than you can count, trying every diet out there for years now? You’re not alone, we can help!
Stress Eating
Do you often want to eat everything you can get your hands when the stress from work, family, and life piles on?We get it, and there is a solution!
Busy taking care of everyone else’s needs for years, but neglecting your own? Feel guilty when trying to make yourself a priority? It’s your turn!
“I’ll start on Monday.” Sound familiar? “I know what I should do, I’m just not doing it.” Ring a bell? We hear this daily. Good news, we can help!
Benefits & Outcomes
Improve Heart Health
Exercising 2-3 days per week has been proven to improve long-term health & wellness.
Balance Your Mind
Exercising regularly can help reduce stress & anxiety, and improve mood.
Lose Weight
Combined with nutrition you will lose weight, look better, and feel better about you!
Get Stronger
The more muscle you have, the more fat you burn, and the tighter and toner you look!
Improve Balance
Regular fitness training means better balance, less injuries, and less falls as we age.
Reduce Medication
Success Stories
Schedule Your Discovery Call
Hop on a brief 5 minute discovery phone call to discuss your goals and let’s make sure we can help you.
Book Your Free Consultation
Book a Free Consultation with our Program Director to better understand your goals, and outline your new healthy action plan.
Try Us For 7 Days risk free trial
Put us to the test for a full 7 days risk free trial, to make sure you love it the way we know you will.